
Serve as you prepare. Prepare to be sent.

We are a people who have been changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and are called to make disciples among our neighbors and the nations. Our Apprenticeship/Residency Program is an overflow of this vision. We believe God has strategically called and gifted us to raise up leaders to reach the next generation and the nations.

 Apprenticeship at CSBC is a 1-3 year commitment that will prepare you for a lifetime of ministry and disciple-making wherever God calls you to serve. You will gain diverse ministry experience, valuable leadership opportunities, rigorous theological training, and intentional discipleship. When the time comes, CSBC will help launch you into your next ministry assignment, whether that be living on mission in your workplace, planting a church, revitalizing a church, going to nations, or serving the local church.

“When we entered the Bonhoeffer Haus at CSBC, we prayed for renewal after a tough season of life and ministry. We also prayed for clarity on how the Lord wanted us to join his mission for his glory. God used the Haus and our CSBC family to answer both of those prayers! If you sense the need for deep formation–head, heart, and hands–through life together in community, come check out the Haus!”

- Sam & Emily Copeland

Bonhoeffer Haus

We are a people who have been changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and are called to make disciples among our neighbors and the nations. Our Apprenticeship/Residency Program is an overflow of this vision. We believe God has strategically called and gifted us to raise up leaders to reach the next generation and the nations.

Apprenticeship at CSBC is a 1-3 year commitment that will prepare you for a lifetime of ministry and disciple-making wherever God calls you to serve. You will gain diverse ministry experience, valuable leadership opportunities, rigorous theological training, and intentional discipleship. When the time comes, CSBC will help launch you into your next ministry assignment, whether that be living on mission in your workplace, planting a church, revitalizing a church, going to nations, or serving the local church.

Ministry Apprenticeships

Apprentices serve under a CSBC pastor. They spend meaningful time in a mentoring relationship observing the everyday rhythms and routines of the local church.

1.     Leader works, Apprentice observes.

2.    Leader & Apprentice work together.

3.    Apprentice works, Leader observes.

Theological Training

We partner with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) to craft an academic plan for our Apprentices to complete while serving at CSBC.  Most classes are taught live at CSBC through our Equip Center partnership with SEBTS. Through several scholarships we have available, most apprentices receive their education tuition free.

Life Together

While serving & studying at CSBC, our Apprentices live in community with each other.  We have regular rhythms of worship, serving, study, and fellowship together. 

“The five years I spent as a ministry apprentice and church planting resident at Cave Spring not only provided meaningful training in pastoral ministry and church planting; it also provided a loving community to help strengthen my personal walk with Christ, my marriage and family, and my love for God's church.”

- VInce & Kara Oliveri


Most apprentices receive a monthly stipend to help with living expenses. We also encourage our apprentices to work in the marketplace.  This not only provides additional income, it also keeps us grounded in the community we are trying to reach.


CSBC will help identify housing options for apprentices.  In some cases, rent free housing is provided depending on availability.

Current Apprentice Openings

We offer apprenticeships in the following ministry areas.

·      Church Planting

·      Church Revitalization

·      Pastoral Ministry

·      Missions

·      Biblical Counseling

·      Worship

·      Students / Children

·      Administration