We begin with the Apostles’ Creed to affirm the basic elements of Christianity. The Creed summarizes what Christians of all times, in all places have affirmed—“the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). It is a clear, memorable, biblical summary of the gospel. It originated as a baptismal confession, probably in the 2nd century, and developed into its present form by the 6th or 7th century. Christians all over the world continue to voice it as a confession of their faith.
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We are a church, in the Baptist tradition, deeply committed to gospel renewal. As a confessional people, we affirm the value of historic, doctrinal statements that clarify our beliefs and help us remain faithful to Holy Scripture. The Baptist Faith & Message serves as our guiding confessional statement.
Cave Spring Baptist Church partners with the Southern Baptist Convention and the SBC of Virginia.
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As our confessional statement guides our beliefs, our church covenant reminds us how to relate to one another. It puts our commitment to one another in the biblical terms of faithfulness, brotherly love, gathered worship, service, burden-bearing, giving, and mission. The language of “covenant” is thoroughly biblical and it works itself out beautifully in the “one another” expressions of the NT. If you are considering church membership, a willingness to commit oneself to covenant membership is a good sign of readiness.
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