We are a people changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ who seek to please God in all of life and promote the gospel among all people.
The ministry of the Word and the gospel of Christ are central to all we do. Scripture defines our understanding of church, preaching, doctrine, ethics, cultural engagement, and mission. God’s Word brings us hope and gospel change—as we listen, read, delight in, meditate on, study, and obey it.
Worship is our humble, amazed, and thankful response to the gospel. We gather on Sunday to worship through: confession, repentance, giving, singing, praying, preaching, and listening, all for glory of the triune God—Father, Son, and Spirit.
The ministry of mission seeks to bring the gospel to unbelievers. Through mercy ministries, mission trips, disaster relief, personal evangelism, and church planting, we bring the gospel to our neighbors and the nations for the glory of God.
Biblical community, or fellowship, is defined by our shared relationship in Christ. We are a diverse people, united by one gospel. We have promised ourselves to God and to one another. By the Spirit, we serve together, bear one another’s burdens, share sin-struggles, grieve together, and pray with one another.
Spiritual formation, or discipleship, describes the grace-driven efforts we make to train ourselves in godliness. The ministry of discipleship forms in us the habits of prayer, confession of sin, Scripture reading, meditation, study, fasting and other spiritual disciplines—habits which are most effective in the context of one-on-one pairings or micro-groups.