Surprising Stories of Jesus, • 11/19/23 Act 2: The Elder Brother | A Parable about God Our Father Previous The Generous Grace of God | A Parable about the Laborers of the Vineyard Next Act 1: The Younger Brother | A Parable about God Our Father You Might Also Like God Is Holy | Psalm 99 Imagine Godliness | Psalm 101 Made to Flourish | Psalm 92 The Way of Wisdom | Wisdom: A Generational Treasure When the Task Seems Impossible | Exodus 3:1-22
Surprising Stories of Jesus, • 11/19/23 Act 2: The Elder Brother | A Parable about God Our Father Previous The Generous Grace of God | A Parable about the Laborers of the Vineyard Next Act 1: The Younger Brother | A Parable about God Our Father You Might Also Like God Is Holy | Psalm 99 Imagine Godliness | Psalm 101 Made to Flourish | Psalm 92 The Way of Wisdom | Wisdom: A Generational Treasure When the Task Seems Impossible | Exodus 3:1-22