Exodus 19:1-7; 1 John 2:1-5 | Free to Obey
1. What is something that is easy for you to memorize (family member’s birthdays; players on your favorite sports team; a recipe; phone numbers, etc.)? Why?
Read & Discuss: Exodus 19:1-7
2. Before God gives the 10 Commandments, twice he reminds the people that he has already rescued them (19:4; 20:2). Why is it significant that before God asks his people to obey him, he has already rescued them?
3. What do the first 4 commandments have in common? What do the last 6 have in common?
4. How does Jesus summarize the Commandments when asked by the lawyer which is the greatest commandment (Matt 22:35-40)?
5. How would it be helpful for each of us to memorize the 10 Commandments?
6. How do we see relationship between God and his people in this passage? Why is understanding relationship the key to correctly understanding the law?
Read & Discuss: 1 John 2:1-5
7. Why is obedience a necessary part of the Christian life?
8. How does our heart change such that we want to obey God?
PRAY for one another and the lost in your lives.
Exodus 17:1-7 | The Water Problem Part 2
Opening: Getting to know one another better
1. What’s your favorite drink? Or, what do you typically order to drink at a restaurant?
Read & Discuss: Exodus 17:1-7
2. What was the basic problem in this passage? How did the Israelites respond to the problem?
3. What did the Israelites accuse God of? What do their accusations illustrate about their hearts?
4. The Israelites took their desires and made them demands. What is a better way to deal with our disappointments with God?
5. Sam outlined lament as Turning to God, expressing our Complaint, Asking God for Help, and Trusting in God. How did the Israelites respond differently than biblical lament?
Read & Discuss: 1 Corinthians 10:4
6. Most believe Paul referred to this section in Exodus when writing this verse. How do we see God’s provision, protection, and presence in this verse?
7. How has God proved his provision, protection,n, and presence to you?
PRAY for one another and the lost in your lives.