Exodus 17:1-7 | The Water Problem Part 2

Opening: Getting to know one another better

1. What’s your favorite drink? Or, what do you typically order to drink at a restaurant?

Read & Discuss: Exodus 17:1-7

2. What was the basic problem in this passage? How did the Israelites respond to the problem?

3. What did the Israelites accuse God of? What do their accusations illustrate about their hearts?

4. The Israelites took their desires and made them demands. What is a better way to deal with our disappointments with God?

5. Sam outlined lament as Turning to God, expressing our Complaint, Asking God for Help, and Trusting in God. How did the Israelites respond differently than biblical lament?

Read & Discuss: 1 Corinthians 10:4

6. Most believe Paul referred to this section in Exodus when writing this verse. How do we see God’s provision, protection, and presence in this verse?

7. How has God proved his provision, protection,n, and presence to you?

PRAY for one another and the lost in your lives.


Exodus 16 | The Path of Grace in the Wilderness

Opening: Getting to know one another better

1. Did you make a New Year’s resolution? What is it and why did you make it? How is it going?

Read & Discuss: Exodus 16

2. God uses “grumbling” eight times in this chapter to describe the Israelites. What were they grumbling about? Why was their grumbling unreasonable?

3. We grumble, as well. How does our grumbling reveal what’s in our hearts?

4. How does God provide for His people in this passage?

5. How did the Israelites respond to their difficulties? How should we respond to our difficulties?

Read & Discuss: John 6:49-51

6. How is the “bread” that Jesus gives different from the manna the people had in the wilderness? How does Jesus satisfy our hunger in a way that bread never can?

7. God commanded Moses to put some of the manna in a jar for future generations to remember how God provided for them (16:31-36). What are some ways Jesus has provided for you that you would like to remember this year?

PRAY for one another and the lost in your lives.